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2016 World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen

View: 2203     Date: 2016-11-17 06:28


On November 16, 2016, the third World Internet Conference was held in Wuzhen, an ancient town of Zhejiang Province in China. The three-day internet conference hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government has attracted more than 1,600 attendees from 110 countries and regions.

Chinese paramount leader Xi Jinping gave a keynote speech via video at the opening ceremony yesterday afternoon, who said that China would like to work together with the international community to "ensure the common well-being of humanity, uphold cyberspace sovereignty and also promote more fair and equitable global internet governance".

Key words: Smart technology & black technology & AI

The wide-covered free and fast “i-zhejiang-aiWIFI” enabling people to get online for self services anytime, the GPS + Beidou navigation system facilitating the intelligent dispatch of the tourist cars and boats, and the advanced face recognition system built in the check-in entrances——smart technology can be enjoyed almost everywhere throughout the conference.

Another noteworthy point may be the 15 pieces of black technology presented on the Release Ceremony of World Leading Internet Scientific and Technological Achievements, which were elected from over 500 candidate products from all over the world. Black technology, i.e. the technology that is far more advanced than those of the real world, is now quite a buzz words among the tech enthusiasts. The representatives showed on the Release include: Tesla enhanced driver assistance system, Baidu Brain, IBM Watson 2016 and Microsoft HoloLens and so on.

AI is another word that was frequently mentioned in the conference. The world giants seem to have reached a consensus that the future technology development trend lies in the AI, and that people taking control of the internet, the big data and the cloud computing will take control the future.

Regardless of the changing trends of the technology forecasted by the world giants, we saw one thing remains at the heart. That is innovation. From the view of intellectual property, the figures of patent applications or patents are ever growing year after year. The most interesting thing is that you can see the tech development trend simply from the patents or patentees distribution of that time. So, maybe in the near future, we will see a flood of AI-related patents granted around the world?