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AIPPI China has Fourth Meeting of Its Seventh Session

View: 2188     Date: 2016-12-12 10:52


On December 12, 2016, the fourth meeting of the Seventh Session of AIPPI China Group was held at the Beijing Guangdian International Hotel. Ms. Evonne Yang, the Partner and Director of International Affairs Dept., and her team attended the meeting on behalf of Leader Patent & Trademark Firm. The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, known as AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle), established in 1897, has over 100 years’ history, which is the world’s leading International Organization dedicated to the development and improvement of laws for the protection of intellectual property. As one of its national groups, China joined AIPPI in 1982, with an aim of promoting IP protection and multi cooperation in economic development at home and abroad. After over 30 years of development, AIPPI China Group has attracted more than 300 individual members and over 60 organizational members. 

The meeting mainly included three topics. Firstly, Yi Li, as the Secretary of AIPPI China Group, announced a decision of augmenting the Group Leadership; secondly, Xiaoli Bai, senior legal counsel of a law firm, gave a lecture on the experience summary of organizing the 2016 Copyright Forum of AIPPI China Group; at last, Yi Li gave a report on the past work done by the Seventh Session of AIPPI China Group.

Leader IP joined the AIPPI China Group in 2016 as one of the organizational members. With rich experience in the international intellectual property practice, we will actively participate in the activities organized and carried out by the Group to promote China’s contributions in the IP field.

(International Affairs Dept. of Leader IP)