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Celebrating World IP Day 2016   --Leader Patent & Trademark Firm attended the 15th UK-China Intellectual Property Salon

View: 2170     Date: 2016-04-27 04:28


On Tuesday afternoon, 26 April 2016, the 15th UK-China Intellectual Property Salon--Women in IP was held by British Embassy Beijing and China IP Magazine in Beijing Pangu Hotel to celebrate World IP Day 2016. As one of main contributors in China IP industry, Leader Patent & Trademark Firm was invited and attended this event.


As indicated by the said title, the salon focused on the women’s right, both in daily life and workplace, during which a panel discussion was led by Mr. Tom Duke, IP Attaché, from British Embassy, Dr Ros Lynch, Director of Copyright and Enforcement from UK IPO, Chief Judge Rui Songyan, from Beijing IP Court, and Chen Xi, a famous musician and the lyricist of “Where did all the time go” (时间都去哪儿了). A series of topics were lively discussed as follows:


After panel discussion, a time slot was provided to the participants to raise questions or express opinions for further discussion.



(International Affairs Dept. of Leader IP)