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The Annual Meeting 2015 of ALL-CHINA PATENT AGENTS ASSOCIATION & The 6th China Intellectual Property Forum was Held in Beijing

View: 2474     Date: 2015-05-23 11:24

On May 22th of 2015, the Annual Meeting 2015 of ALL-CHINA PATENT AGENTS ASSOCIATION (ACPAA) & the 6th China Intellectual Property Forum was held in Beijing. Mr. Hua He, the Deputy Director of SIPO, Mr. Xiaoming Song, the Present of the Intellectual Property Chamber in the Supreme People's Court, and the head of All-China Patent Agents Association attended the meeting and gave the speeches.


The theme of this meeting is Fully Enhancing the Service Capabilities, Building a Strong Country with Intellectual Property.Meanwhile, the discussions related to the subjects of examination & agent, the use, the protection and the strategy of intellectual property rights were conducted in different sessions.


Ms. Na Zhang, the director of patent agency dept. of Leader Patent & Trademark Firm attended the meeting, and she hosted the seminar about the communication between examination and agent. The seminar mainly focused on the issues regarding patent applications and the protection of the mobile Internet field, and examination of this regard. Total number of 450 representatives from SIPO, Beijing IP court, the patent agencies, local IP offices, and the enterprises and scientific and research organizations attended this seminar.