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Baitao Xie

Lawyer, Patent Attorney



Tel:+86-10-62260318 (ext. 8313)

Email:[email protected]

Dr. Baitao XIE, partner at Leader Patent & Trademark Firm (belonging to Leader IP Group), is an intellectual property lawyer and also a patent attorney. After obtaining Doctoral Degree from Tsinghua University in 2009, he entered CNIPA and embarked on an intellectual property career. With 7 years‘ experience in invention patent examination and examination quality control, he has in-depth and unique insights into precise prior art search, patent analysis, and patent examination. Since joining Leader IP Group, he applies these skills in depth and flexibly to practical work such as FTO analysis, patent analysis, patent validity actions, patent litigations, and license negotiation. Some of his outstanding work directly helped clients gain significant advantages in patent litigations and license negotiations. He also undertakes multiple social positions, including serving as the IP expert and training expert for multiple local government institution and patent protection centers.


Representative Cases:

Ø MEDIATEK vs. NXP series cases, represented MEDIATEK to handle the infringement litigations, invalidation cases and administrative litigations

Ø  PDT Co., Ltd vs. Harris Co., Ltd., represented PDT to handle the invalidation cases and administrative litigations

Ø  Guangsheng vs. Hisense & Skyworth & Samsung (Three Audio/Video SEP involved , USD 70 million), represented defendants to handle the invalidation cases and administrative litigations

Ø  Qualcomm vs. Apple series cases, represented Qualcomm to handle the invalidation cases and administrative litigations

Technical Field: Electronic Engineering, Photoelectricity, Semiconductor

Language: Chinese, English

Office Location: Beijing, China